訂單方式二選一 : 1.可電話訂購  2. 可傳真訂購
訂購條件 : 單筆1200以上 > 免運費
1200以下 > 酌收運費75/150元

超商(全家)運費75元 郵局運費150
如外島 > 需專人報價

付款方式二選一 : 1.貨到付款 寄出方式:1.超商部份(訂單備註:門市分店~門市住址 2.郵局

2.匯款 [收到貨款,隨後出貨] 寄出方式:大榮貨運

匯款帳號:0031067-0186734 郵局代號:700 仁德車路墘郵局 戶名:許素月
運送方式 : 郵局宅配 /全家/ 貨運宅配
外銷訂單 : 單筆下單以100打為準
歡迎[批發、美容美髮材料行、學校、大賣場、贈品 ……等] 歡迎洽詢

founded in 1978. DAIXU has established itself as a leading manufacturer of fine combs and brushes. Our products are specially designed for professional hair styling and with the latest fashion in mind. in addition to many designs. colors, and packages displayed in our catalogue
for your selection, custom changes are also accepted with a minimum order of 100 dozens for each color or design substitution. we also welcome any samples or new designs that are of interest to you for jointly developing the products to explore market opportunities.